Color Blocks


Color blocks enable you to specify and manipulate colors used within your app's interface. You can use these blocks to choose and apply colors to elements like backgrounds, text, buttons, or other visual components.

Color Palette

Clicking a color block opens the standard color palette to select from.

Random Color

This block returns a random color with an Alpha value of 100%.

Set RGB Color

This block allows you to define a color using RGB values.

Set HSV Color

This block allows you to define a color using HSV values.

Blend Colors

This block allows you to define a color by blending two colors with a selected ratio of color 1 to color 2.

Set RGBA Color

You can use a text block to define a color with RGBA syntax rgba(r,g,b,a).

Set Hex Color

You can use a text block to define a color with hex values.

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