Top Tab Navigator
A top tab navigator is a row of tabs placed at the top of the screen, allowing users to switch between different screens with a simple tap.
By incorporating a top tab navigator, you:
Enhance discoverability. Users can quickly identify and access different sections of your app, which ensures that they can find what they're looking for effortlessly.
Enable seamless switching between sections. This fluid user experience keeps users engaged and satisfied with your app.
Have the freedom to customize the appearance of each tab to match your app's branding and unique requirements.
Video Tutorial
How to Use Top and Bottom Tab Navigators
In this tutorial, we'll explore the benefits of using a top or bottom tab navigator and provide step-by-step instructions on implementation.
Add a Navigator
To add a navigator to your app:
Click the dropdown arrow at the top of your component tree.
Hover over Add Navigator.
Select the navigator you want to add.
Add and Remove Navigator Tabs
By default, the navigator includes four tabs. You’ll need to identify the sections or views you want to include in your app and add or remove tabs accordingly.
Add a Tab
To add a tab to your navigator, create a new screen and, within the component tree, drag it to nest within the tab navigator component.
Remove a Tab
To remove a tab, delete its corresponding screen in the component tree.
Top Tab Navigator Properties
Click on the tab navigator in the component tree to access the navigator’s properties panel. Here, on the right side, you can customize the properties specific to the navigator.
Advanced Properties
Screen and Tab-Specific Properties
To access the properties panel for a specific screen or tab, click the screen name in the component tree.
Picture Resize Mode
Center: The image is displayed at its original size within the container, and it is centered both vertically and horizontally. This means that if the image is larger than the container, parts of it may extend beyond the container's edges.
Cover: The image is resized to completely cover the container while maintaining its aspect ratio. This mode ensures that the entire container is filled with the image, and any excess image parts are cropped if necessary. This can result in parts of the image being clipped.
Contain: The image is resized to fit entirely within the container while maintaining its aspect ratio. This mode ensures that the entire image is visible within the container, and it may result in empty space around the image if the container's aspect ratio differs from the image's aspect ratio.
Repeat: The image is tiled or repeated to fill the entire container, both horizontally and vertically. This mode is often used for creating patterns or backgrounds that seamlessly repeat across the container.
Stretch: The image is resized to fully cover the container without maintaining its original aspect ratio. This can distort the image and may result in an unnatural appearance, so it's generally not recommended for most scenarios.
Tab Navigation Options
Screens within a navigator have an additional section in the screen's properties panel for navigation options. This is where you define the screen's label that displays in the navigator.
Status Bar
The status bar is located at the top of a phone's screen. The status bar displays information regarding signal strength, battery, and whether or not things like the alarm or wi-fi are enabled.
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