Release Notes 2023

Keep up to date with our releases!

December 19, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Blocks: Update help links

  • Design Tab: Adjust styles for component tree

  • My Projects Page:

    • Fix issue where some users saw just-deleted projects on their projects page

    • Allow toggling of project privacy

  • Organizations: Improve appearance of selected background colour in list of Organizations at /account/organizations

  • Publish to the App Store (iOS): Add links to docs in publishing modal

Component Updates

December 14, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Adjust styles on login page for mobile devices

  • Improve UX to Preview and Test your App with Thunkable Live app

  • Improve UX for renewing membership with Stripe payments

  • Minor visibility tweaks to project cards on the home page

New Components

Component Updates

  • Ads by AdMob: Improve appearance of AdMob components in Thunkable component gallery

  • Canvas Component: Fix issue with rendering Sprite opacity in Canvas tab

  • Data Sources:

    • Prevent double-clicking 'Add Data Source' from adding multiple data sources

    • Improve input validation when retrieving data from row/column

  • Versioning: Improve asset preservation when restoring old versions of a project

  • Text Input Component: Improve performance of 'When Text Input Click' block

  • Auto-versioning: Use local timezone to add timestamps to auto-versions

December 12, 2023

New Components

  • Modules: Save combinations of components and blocks to reuse in your projects and share with other Thunkers

December 6, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Upgrade Blockly library used to render Blocks tab

December 4, 2023

Platform Updates

  • New Design for Projects Page

November 30, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improve appearance of login screen on smaller screens

November 28, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improve behavior of tutorials in Thunkable Live for Android

Component Updates

November 16, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improve process for renaming project copies

  • Validate app icon during publishing

Component Updates

November 13, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Updated libraries for better developer experience on the platform

October 27, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improved UX for filtering and searching in public gallery

  • Upgraded libraries

October 26, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Blocks: Add zoom-to-fit functionality to blocks page

  • Splash Screen Image: Validate file format used as splash screen image to prevent errors buliding app

New Components

Component Updates

October 19, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Updated front end libraries

October 16, 2023

Platform Updates

New Components

Component Updates

  • Sound Blocks: Improvements to sound recording and playback on iOS

October 9, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Release AI-powered text and icon generation tool to Team accounts

October 6, 2023

Platform Updates

New Components

Component Updates

October 4, 2023

Component Updates

September 28, 2023

Component Updates

September 21, 2023

Component Updates

September 12, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Updated blocks editor

    • Blocks now remain visible on screen when panning

    • Smoother experience scrolling through long menus of blocks

September 5, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Remove deprecated libraries

  • Update hotkeys UX

August 30, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Removed unused libraries

  • Upgraded libraries

  • Updated onboarding survey

August 24, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Remove unused packages to deliver services faster

  • Updated welcome video

  • Updated onboarding survey

Component Updates

August 19, 2023

Platform Updates

New Components

  • Blocks: added Location drawer of blocks

  • Blocks: Added new Location blocks: geocoding and reverse geocoding

Component Updates

August 9, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improve iOS download experience by changing how assets are retrieved during the build process

Component Updates

August 2, 2023

Component Updates

  • Sprites: Fix for 'Create Sprite Type' block

August 1, 2023

Component Updates

July 31, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Reduce size of built apps

July 27, 2023

Component Updates

  • #airtable: Add OAuth authentication to connect to Airtable account

July 26, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Fix rendering Live Test code in Thunkable Live app for accounts that sign in with email

  • Fix file uploaod for iOS certificates

July 25, 2023

Platform Updates

Component Updates

  • Update Image Picker

  • Resolve issues seen by some accounts when adding Google Sheets to projects

  • Improve audio when playing back recorded video

July 17, 2023

Component Updates

July 5, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improve how Android Keystores are stored and retrieved

  • Add hotkeys: [T] to toggle between Design/Blocks, [P] to preview your project on the web

  • Performance improvements

Component updates

  • Fix sound playback when media file has whitespace character in name

July 3, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Update survey shown to new accounts

June 20, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Drag-and-Drop UI: UI update for drop-down menus

  • Add T hotkey to toggle between Design and Blocks tabs in Thunkable projects

Component Updates

  • Screens: Add option to Account Features to show placeholder images for non-active screens in project as it's being edited to improve load time

  • Sound Blocks: Fix bug where recorded sounds played back quietly on iOS

  • Layout Component: Allow custom Layouts to be used as Data Viewer layouts

June 14, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Drag and Drop: Show guidelines in Component Tree

  • Thunkable Live App: Show prompt to update outdated app

June 13, 2023

Platform Updates

June 12, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Enable setting custom splash screen in App Settings

  • Update Top Nav Dropdown menus UI

  • Improve accuracy of estimated time to build iOS apps

New Components

Component Updates

  • Image Component: Update package for rendering SVG images

  • Ads by AdMob: Set iOS tracking description when AdMob app ID is configured

  • Data Sources: Allow Local Data Sources to be 'App Data' or 'Stored Data'

June 2, 2023

Component Updates

May 30, 2023

Platform Updates

Component Updates

May 25, 2023

Platform Updates

New Components

Component Updates

  • Web APIs Blocks: Switch seamlessly between String and Multipart API when inputting Body of Web API request

  • Slider Component: Fix 'onSlideComplete' block performance

May 18, 2023

New Components

  • Layout Component: Allow more precise positioning of components in Drag and Drop apps

Component Updates

May 12, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Update process for returning to login screen when login token has expired

May 4, 2023

Platform Updates

Component Updates

April 26, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Publish as a Web App: Remove phone frame outline from mobile web apps when viewed on a mobile device

  • Organizations: Allow Organization members to view Organization details via accoutn settings menu

  • Publish to the App Store (iOS): When prompted to add information to App Settings, the App Settings menu will be opened

  • My Projects Page: Added pagination to Grid View of projects page

  • Snap to Place UI: Improve UX when deleting invisible components from a project

Component Updates

  • Data Sources: Allow connecting to Webflow data souce via OAuth

  • Map Component: Preserve panning and zooming when toggling visibility

  • Data Sources: Resolve behavior where some users couldn't access projects whose associated data sources had been deleted

April 25, 2023

Platform Updates

April 20, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Updates to Public Gallery

  • Drag and Drop UI: Updated top navigation bar

  • Improved analytics

  • Expanded test suite

Component Updates

April 18, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Resolve behavior where projects that were connected to deleted data sources were inaccessible to some users

  • Auto Versions: Improve loading of selected auto versions in Design tab

April 18, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Change how we store keystores to preserve ability to properly duplicate projects with keystores

April 13, 2023

Platform Updates

Component Updates

April 6, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Thunkable Community: Improve sign-in process when signing in via SSO linked to an Apple or Google account

  • Cleaned up some backend files for better site performance

April 5, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Preview and Test your App: Added link to Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions to Settings screen of the Thunkable Live app, to make access easier for users at all times

March 31, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Organizations Updates

    • Updated project view for organization members with View access

    • Allow organization members with Edit access to take over editing a project if previous editor has been inactive

    • Introduced admin dashboard for administrators of organizations to view projects, members, etc

    • Gracefully handle when a project in an Organization has previously been published, has an Android keystore file, and is now being duplicated within the organization

March 28, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Added option to build Android, iOS apps with Expo 47

    • iOS apps built with Expo 47 target iOS 16

March 22, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improvements to iOS publishing process

March 21, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Add additional error handling to Google Sign In

March 15, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Streamline data being backed up to cloud for more efficient project retrieval

March 9, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Design Tab: Updated UI of Component Tree

  • Versioning: Removed beta tag and updated project limits

Component Updates

March 1, 2023

Component Updates

  • AdMob: Resolve 'replaceAdMobKeys' build issue seen by some users

February 28, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Drag and Drop: Introduced ability to 'nudge', using arrow keys to change positions of components

  • Upgraded package used for creators to sign in to Thunkable with Google

  • Improved efficiency of iOS Build Server

Component Updates

  • Ads by AdMob: upgraded ads package to newest Google Mobile Ads SDK

February 22, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improve performance on project page list

  • Improve performance of My Data sources tab

February 17, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Backend and infrastructure updates to improve site speed and reliability

February 14, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Preview and Test your App: Changes to displaying latest version number on Thunkable Live for Android app

  • Assets: Refetch assets based on major version number

Component Updates

February 2, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Auto-versioning: Thunkable will automatically create backups of your project

  • Web Preview: Fix for behavior where project page would scroll inadvertently when previewing project on web

  • Asset preview: Fix for issues seen by some users when previewing assets using the link in the asset modal

February 1, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Backend and infrastructure updates

  • Expanded automated test suite

  • Updated descriptions of benefits on pricing page

Jan 31, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Backend and infrastructure updates

Jan 30, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Organizations: Released docs

    • Allow multiple Thunkable accounts within a single Organization to collaborate on a single project

January 26, 2023

Component Updates

January 24, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Additions to automated testing done on backend

January 20, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Move chat option to top navigation bar

  • Fix alignment of featured projects at bottom of screen

Component Updates

January 18, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Released Organizations

    • Allow multiple Thunkable accounts within a single Organization to collaborate on a single project

  • Backend infrastructure upgrades

  • Improve user experience when sharing project that connects to online data source (eg. using API keys) with non-owner of data source

  • Improve fetching account permissions when opening projects

Component Updates

January 13, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improve build times for Android APK files by reducting background processes

January 6, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Improvements to integration with Clever

  • Remove unnecessary packages from backend to deliver faster performance

January 5, 2023

Platform Updates

  • Android: Gracefully handle error when app tries to get indexed item of null list

New Components

Component Updates

January 4, 2023

Component Updates

  • Sound Blocks: Fix for changing Sound volume with blocks when Web Previewing a Snap-to-Place project

Last updated