Release Notes 2024

July 9, 2024

New Blocks

New Components

June 25, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Improved location blocks: “Start location updates” “Stop location updates” “check if location update is running” and “on location change”

  • Added a new Firebase user ID block.

June 18, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Added +/- on the following blocks: If-else, Join text, List, Object.

June 11, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Upgraded to Expo 51

May 30, 2024

New Components

  • Modules and Logic Modules

  • JavaScript Web Bridge released to public beta

May 23, 2024

New Blocks

May 20, 2024

New Features

  • Introducing Workspace block search functionality

  • Added Block modules remix button

May 6, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Added the “Delete Account” option on the platform account settings

April 16, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Blocks: Add toolbox search

  • Forbid certain characters in asset names

  • Updated links on project page

  • Increase the minimum supported iOS version to 16.0

New Components

April 10, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Fixed user profile page

New Components

  • Enable executing Javascript outside of Web Viewer component

Component Updates

  • Data Sources: Streamline creating new table in a local Data Source

  • Group Component: Fixed visual issue with rounding corners

  • Web APIs Blocks: Fixed issue where some Creators saw console error when calling certain APIs

April 4, 2024

Component Updates

April 3, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Upgraded to Expo 50

March 29, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Fixed error when changing app layout

March 19, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Updated text shown in Companion app

  • Enabled Google and Apple pay options

Component Updates

March 12, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Added new tutorials to Thunkable Live companion app

  • Updated onboarding survey

  • Improve prominence of button to view project details page

  • Resolved behavior where searching for a project could yield duplicate results for some accounts

Component Updates

March 5, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Increase minimum supported iOS version to 13.4

  • Tweaked style of displaying username in project info when hovering/clicking

  • Updated backend libraries

New Components

  • Modules:

    • Added creation of methods with outputs

    • Added settings panel

Component Updates

February 20, 2024

Platform Updates

Component Updates

February 13, 2024

Platform Updates

Component Updates

February 6, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Assets: Prevent assets from being renamed to same identifier as assets already present in project

  • Upgraded libraries

Component Updates

January 30, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Updated backend libraries

January 23, 2024

Platform Updates

Component Updates

  • Generative AI: Allow Business tier accounts to access Generative AI tools

  • Variables Blocks: Fixed copy/pasting variables between screens

  • Label Component: Show error if invalid file is uploaded for custom font

  • Screens: If there's only one Screen in the project, creator can no longer delete this screen

  • Loops Blocks: Fixed rendering drop-down menu on right click for 'count with i' block

January 17, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Public Gallery: Fixed 'See More' button performance

January 16, 2024

Platform Updates

Component Updates

January 11, 2024

Component updates

January 10, 2024

Component Updates

January 9, 2024

Platform Updates

  • Organizations: Support organization members who are not the project owner importing custom components

  • Figma Integration: Improve rendering position of imported compnents

  • Blocks: Handle duplicating component blocks across screens more seamlessly

  • My Projects Page: Display project size & allow sorting by project size

  • Thunkable Live App: Improve auto-update of project list display

New Components

Component Updates

Release notes 2023

Last updated