Review Process

Submit your app for review

Create a new app on the Google Play Console

  1. Sign-in to your Google Play Console account.

  2. Click Create app in the upper right.

  3. Complete the requested app details fields. Note: The App Name is how your app will appear on Google Play.

  4. Complete the required declarations.

  5. Click Create app.

App Dashboard

While you're getting set up, the Google Play Console Dashboard shows you what you need to do to get your app up and running. This includes recommendations on how to manage, test, and promote your app. Once you've completed a task, return to the Google Play Console Dashboard to explore what else you need can do.

We'll focus on the the following steps:

  • Set up your app

  • Publish Your app on Google Play

Set up your app

In this section, you'll share with Google the content of your app, and manage how it is organized and presented on Google Play.

  1. Click View tasks in the Set up your app section to see the tasks you must complete.

  2. Click on a task.

  3. Complete the required fields.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Dashboard above the task name in the upper left.

  6. Repeat with the remaining tasks in the list.

Apps that request access to sensitive permissions or data (as defined in the user data policies) are required by the Google Play Store to include a privacy policy. All apps made on Thunkable request access to sensitive permissions or data, which means you will need to provide a privacy policy.

Main store listing

  1. Click Main store listing under the Grow heading in the sidebar.

  2. Complete the required fields and upload the required assets. See here for additional guidance: Add preview assets to showcase your app.

  3. Click Save.

Create and publish a release

  1. Return to the Google Play Console Dashboard.

  2. Click View tasks in the Create and publish a release section to see the tasks you must complete.

  3. Click the Select countries task.

  4. Identify the countries you want your app to be available in.

  5. Click Create a new release.

  6. Upload the AAB file into the App bundles section. Instructions for downloading your AAB are available here: Download your Android App Bundle (AAB) file.

  7. Add a Release name so you can identify this release. It isn't shown to users on Google Play.

  8. Add Release notes. Let users know what's in your release.

  9. Click Next.

Advertising ID

You must complete an advertising ID declaration.

Steps to complete the advertising ID declaration:

  1. In response to the question, "Does your app use advertising ID?" select Yes.

  2. In response to the question, "Why does your app need to use advertising ID?" select:

    1. App functionality

    2. Analytics

    3. Advertising or marketing (only if your app uses AdMob)

Data Safety Overview

Currently all apps made on Thunkable request access to permissions or data (for analytics and app data, NOT specific user data), which means you will need to account for those in your Data Safety form. The first thing you will need to include, if you already have not is that your app is collecting a couple of the required data types, so your Data Safety form should look like this:

If you have a newly created personal Google developer account, you must run a closed test for your app with a minimum of 20 testers who have been opted-in for at least the last 14 days continuously. When you meet these criteria, you can apply for production access on the Dashboard. You can learn more here.

You can share your app for free in the Thunkable community and find people to test it.

Click Start Rollout to Production to publish your app!

Once your app has been reviewed, it will go live on the Google Play Store.

Last updated