Canvas Label
Display text on your Canvas.
Canvas Label Overview
The Canvas Label is a piece of text that can be placed onto your Stage.
Adding a Canvas Label to your app
To add a Canvas Label to your app, click on the Stage of your Canvas. This will automatically bring you to the Canvas tab.
Underneath your component tree, where you would see a component menu in the Design tab, you will see your Sprite Type menu and a User Interface menu.
You can find the Canvas Label in the Unser Interface menu.
You can drag and drop the Canvas Label onto your Stage.
Canvas Label Properties
Set Text
Set the text being displayed in the Canvas Label.
Get Text
Get the text of the Canvas Label.
X Co-ordinate
Set X
Set the X Co-ordinate of the top-left pixel of the Canvas Label.
Get X
Get the X Co-ordinate of the top-left pixel of the Canvas Label.
Y Co-ordinate
Set Y
Set the Y Co-ordinate of the top-left pixel of the Canvas Label.
Get Y
Get the Y Co-ordinate of the top-left pixel of the Canvas Label.
Font Size
Set Font size
Set the font size of the text of the Canvas Label.
Get Font Size
Get the font size of the text of the Canvas Label.
Text Color
Set color
Set the color of the text of the Canvas Label.
Get Color
Get the color of the text of the Canvas Label.
Background Color
Set Background Color
Set the color of the background of the Canvas Label.
Get Background Color
Get the color of the background of the Canvas Label.
Move to Stage
Move the Canvas Label to the named Stage.
Last updated