Data Viewer Grid Component


The data viewer components act as a display layer for the data in a connected data source. The data viewer grid displays your data in a grid.


Data Viewer Grid



Block: When Data Viwer Grid Item Click

The "Item Click" event block is fired when any grid item in the data viewer is clicked. It returns "row id" which corresponds to the unique Thunkable row ID of the item that was clicked. The row id is most useful when used with the the data source blocks.

Block: In Data Viewer Grid Call Refresh Data

Refresh the data viewer grid to sync with the connected data source.

Block: Properties

Set and get properties of the data viewer grid.

Data Viewer Components

If the data viewer grid isn't the best layout to display your data, one of these other options may be more appropriate:

Data Sources Blocks

To access the data sources blocks, you must first connect a data source. Then, by incorporating the data source blocks into your app, you can allow users to create, read, update, and delete data in your data source when they interact with the data viewer.

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Last updated