Can't Sign in to Thunkable?

You can sign up or sign in to Thunkable with your:

  • Google account

  • Apple ID

  • Email address

If you are having issues signing in to Thunkable, we recommend you do the following:

  1. Completely sign out from Google and then sign back in.

  2. Use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers.

  3. Enable cookies in your browser.

  4. Uninstall any ad blocker extensions or add-ons you have installed.

  5. Disable Kaspersky Lab Antivirus or whitelist if you have it installed.

Compatible with Thunkable
Incompatible with Thunkable


Chrome, Firefox, or Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge Web Browser


Cookies enabled in the browser

Cookies disabled in the browser

Ad blockers

No AdBlockers extensions or add-ons

AdBlockers extensions or add-ons

Kaspersky Antivirus

Either disabling Kaspersky Lab Antivirus completely or whitelisting

Kaspersky Lab Antivirus software

How to Enable Cookies

To enable cookies, please see the browser-specific directions below.


In Chrome, you must ensure that you allow sites to save and read cookie data. You will also need to ensure that you do not block third-party cookies.

For instructions, see here: Chrome - Turn cookies on or off

Be sure to refresh your page after you enable cookies.


In Chrome, you must ensure that you allow sites to save and read cookie data. You will also need to ensure that you do not block third-party cookies.

For instructions, see here: Firefox - Enable Cookies

Be sure to refresh your page after you enable cookies.


In Safari, you must ensure that you allow sites to save and read cookie data. You will also need to ensure that you do not block third-party cookies.

For instructions, see here: Enable cookies in Safari on Mac

Be sure to refresh your page after you enable cookies.

Have feedback on this doc? Please take a moment to share your feedback here: Thunkable Docs Feedback. Your valuable insights will help us improve and better serve you in the future.

Last updated

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