Project Settings

To view or change your project settings, click on the ⚙ icon next to your Project name in the left-hand side bar. Your App Settings will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.

App Description

This is a description of your app and how you intend it to be used. It is not necessary to fill this out in Thunkable. If you publish your app you will need to enter this information, whether on Thunkable or the App Store or Play Store.

App Name

To put it simply, your "app name" is the name of your app. This is the name that will be displayed on the Google Play Store or App Store, and that users see when they install your app on their device. This name is also used to set the page title when you publish as a web app.

Best Practises

Since space is limited, we recommend a short one or two word app name

Avoid using the character "&" in your app name: at the moment, it prevents your app from being installed on your device

Project Name

This is not your app name! This is just the name of your project on Thunkable. When you create a new project, you will be prompted to write in a project name. You can change this name at anytime from your Projects Page.

App (Bundle) ID

A unique identifier for your app on the App Store or Play Store.

This should follow a pattern like com.domain.creatorname.appname

Make sure none of the segments of this package name begins with a number. Make sure none of the letters in this package name has an accent (e vs ë).


Your app icon is the picture that represents your app on your mobile device. This icon will also appear on your listing in the Google Play Store or App Store, and as your project icon on Thunkable. Users on our personal plans will see the default "Made with Thunkable" icon appear when their apps load.

If your company needs to remove the Thunkable branding from an app, this option is available as a project setting to both Business and Team customers.

Learn more about our plans here.

Please make sure that the file you upload does not have the same name as another asset that you are using for your app. This will cause an error.

Best Practises




192 x 192 px (minimum)


Square (equal height and width)

File Type

Preferably .png (vs. jpg or other file types)

For publishing to the iOS App Store, you will also need an app icon that does not have any transparency or it may cause an error.

For publishing your app to the Play and App stores, you will need to create a separate icon with a higher resolution. For Google Play, the current requirement is 500 x 500 px. For the App Store, it's 1024 x 1024 px.

Public/Private App

PRO Thunkable users have the option to set their app to Private. A private app will not be displayed in the Thunkable Public Gallery. Learn more about Thunkable PRO here.

Auto-increment Version

When you publish to the App Store or the Play Store, you will need to increment (increase) your version number each time. If this switch is set to true, Thunkable will automatically increment your project's version number each time you publish your app (iOS) or download your app (Android).

AdMob Settings

iOS App ID

Enter the AdMob app ID for your iOS app. More info from AdMob here.

Android App ID

Enter the AdMob app ID for your Android app. More info from AdMob here.

Tracking Usage Description (iOS only)

Enter a string to explain to the user that a personal advertising identifier may be used to show them ads relevant to their online activity. Read more about tracking permissions for AdMob on iOS.

Default Value: "This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you."


Version Name

Set a version name for this version of your Android app.

Version Code

Set a version code for this version of your Android app.


Import and export an Android Keystore to/from your app. Learn more about the Android Keystore here.


Ignore Notch Area

This property enables you to remove the Safe Area View which Thunkable adds to the app automatically. If you set this property to be true, the screen background color will extend to full screen and there won’t be any white area. However, you need to manually take care of the notch in your app design, like adding extra space, in order to avoid the app element being blocked by the notch.

Notch Area Background Color

This property enables you to set the safe area view color. With this, you can customize the background color of the white area. Please note, this is an app level setting and you won’t be able to customize the color at the screen level.

Version Number

Set a version number for this version of your iOS app.

iOS Permissions

When you add components that require permissions to your app, like the camera, you will need to add purpose strings to your app if you want to publish it to the App Store.

User Tracking If your app or any external service your app interacts with are gathering any kind of identifiable information, this must be explicitly disclosed to the end user of your app using an in-app prompt. If you do not include this and your app engages in tracking, Apple will reject your submission and ask you to resubmit while including an appropriate tracking string. To learn more about when to include a tracking string, click here.

API Keys

If you use blocks for Translating, Image Recognition or Uploading media to the cloud, or use a Firebase database to support your cloud variables or Signing In, you can enter personal API keys for these components in the project settings.

Last updated