
Alerts are useful components for displaying important messages while users are in the app itself

One Button Alert

A one button alert, also known as a notification, displays a message and one button to confirm user has viewed the message

To set up an alert, simply fill in the following simple properties. The Cancel Button Text only needs to be filled out for a two-button alert. You can use blocks to start an event when




The title of the alert


The subtitle of the alert

Confirm Button Text

The text of the button

Cancel Button Text


Two button alert

Two button alerts have two buttons, one that dismisses the notification and one that can be programmed to start an event

To set one up, simply add the following simple properties




The title of the alert


The subtitle of the alert

Confirm Button Text

The text of the right confirm button; If the danger switch is turned on, the text will be in red (iOS only)

Cancel Button Text

The text of the left cancel button

If you want to start an event from a confirm button, you will want to add the blocks below:

Button List: Alert with three or more buttons

It is possible to add buttons to an alert for more sophisticated use cases. This can be done using the set Button List to block by creating a list of objects.

You can set the Text of the Alert. You can set the Style of the Alert to ok, destructive or cancel.

On iOS, the Alert can show more than 3 Buttons. On Android, the Alert can show up to 3 buttons. If more than 3 buttons are specified, the first 3 will be shown.




The title of the alert


The subtitle of the alert

Text Advanced

The text of the button

Style Advanced

The style of the button; ok is a confirm button, cancel is a cancel button and destructive is a confirm button with text in red (iOS only)

The 'showButtonList' block will return an output called 'buttonPressed'. This will return the position of the Button in your Button List. You can take some action based on which button was pressed.

Note: the Buttons may appear in a different order when testing the app on a device. The number that ‘buttonPressed’ returns is the order that the Buttons are added in the app project.

Last updated