
The video component lets you play videos in your app.

Video Overview

Please note that video files can be quite large and might exceed the 50 MB size limit for your project.

The Video component lets you play videos in your app that are stored in the cloud or in your app. App users can easily pause, rewind or fast-forward the video with the built in player.

Set Video

There are a few ways you can set a video source in your app:

  1. Upload a video to your app. Be careful of the Thunkable 50 MB app size limit

  2. Provide a link to the video. The link has to end in .mp4, .mov, …so videos uploaded to YouTube and other video sharing sites may not work.

Please note that the Video component is not recommended for streaming live video content.

Edit Video size

You can set how tall the Video is using the height property and set how wide it is using the width property.


  • Fill container (default)- The Video fills the entire screen vertically

  • Fit contents - The Video’s height changes to fit the contents it contains

  • Relative size - The Video fills the specified percentage of the screen

  • Absolute size - Sizes the Video to a specified number of pixels


  • Fill container (default) - The Video fills the entire screen horizontally

  • Fit contents - The Video’s width changes to fit the contents it contains

  • Relative size - The Video fills the specified percentage of the screen

  • Absolute - Sizes the Video to a specified number of pixels

Set to Auto-Play

To set a video to play automatically, just toggle the Play property to true


Set Video

Get Video

See what video is currently set as the Video component's source

Last updated