
The label component allows you to display text in your app.

Style the Label

You can customize your label using the following properties:


  • Text: Text that appears on the label

  • Font Size: Size of the text that appears on the label

  • Custom Font (mobile only): Upload a TTF or OTF font file to use as your Button's font

  • Color: Color of the text that appears on the label

  • Background Color: Sets the background color of the label

  • Text Align

    • Auto - Aligns the text automatically

    • Left - Displays the text starting from the left of the label

    • Right - Displays the text starting from the right of the label

    • Center - Displays the text starting from the middle of the label

    • Justify - Aligns both the right and left side of the text equally

  • Font Style

    • Normal: Default text display

    • Italic: Display the text in italics

  • Font Weight: Select how bold the text on the label will be

  • Number of Lines: set a maximum amount of lines of text that your Label will display

  • Background Color: set the color of your Label's background

  • Border Width: Enter how wide you want the border outline of the label to be

  • Border Radius: Enter how round you want the edges of the border for the label to be

  • Border Color: Pick a color for the border of the label

  • Border Style: Select if you want the border of the label to be a dotted, dashed or solid line

  • Background Color: set the color of your Label's background

  • Border Width: Enter how wide you want the border outline of the label to be

  • Border Radius: Enter how round you want the edges of the border for the label to be

  • Border Color: Pick a color for the border of the label

  • Border Style: Select if you want the border of the label to be a dotted, dashed or solid line

Advanced Properties

  • Letter Spacing (iOS and web only): increase spacing between letters of your Label

  • Text Decoration Line: add a line through, underline, or both with underline line-through

  • Text Decoration Style (iOS and web only): set your Text Decoration line to be solid, dotted, dashed, or double

  • Text Decoration Color (iOS and web only): set the color of your Text Decoration Line

  • Writing Direction (iOS and web only): set the writing direction of your Label's text

  • Letter Spacing (iOS and web only): increase spacing between letters of your Label

  • Text Decoration Line: add a line through, underline, or both with underline line-through

  • Text Decoration Style (iOS and web only): set your Text Decoration line to be solid, dotted, dashed, or double

  • Text Decoration Color (iOS and web only): set the color of your Text Decoration Line

  • Writing Direction (iOS and web only): set the writing direction of your Label's text



This event will fire when the user clicks on the label.


The get and set background color properties work with the color of the label itself i.e. the region behind the label text. Best practice is to use one of the color blocks to set this value but HEX or RGB values may be used too.

Background Color


Font Size

Font Style

Font Weight


The set and get height blocks work with the Height property of the label component. Acceptable input values are:

  • Number of Pixels

  • Percentage Height

  • "Fit Contents"

  • "Fill Container"

Number of Lines

The get and set number of lines property is used to work with the maximum number of lines of text that should be displayed in a label before that label starts to scroll.


This property corresponds to the text that is displayed in the label component.

Text Align

Text Align can be any of the following values:

  • Auto

  • Left

  • Right

  • Center

  • Justify


  • True

  • False


The set and get width blocks work with the Width property of the label component.

  • Number of Pixels

  • Percentage Width

  • "Fit Contents"

  • "Fill Container"

Last updated

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