
Slider Overview

The Slider is a great UI element to enable users easily select a value from a fixed range of values.

Getting Started

To set up a slider, you'll have to first define the minimum and maximum values, the initial value and the incremental steps of the slider

We recommend using a Label with the Slider so that users can get immediate feedback on the value being set.



Minimum Value

Default (0); Minimum and leftmost value of the Slider

Maximum Value

Default (100); Maximum and rightmost value of the Slide


Default (0); Initial value of the Slider


Default (0); Increments of the Slider

Style the Slider

  • Minimum Track Tint Color: Color of the slider track to the left of the thumb

  • Maximum Track Tint Color: Color of the slider track to the right of the thumb

  • Thumb Tint Color (Android only): Color of the thumb

  • Border:

    • Width: Enter how wide you want the border outline of the Slider to be

    • Color: Pick a color for the border of the Slider

    • Style: Select if you want the border to be a dotted, dashed or solid line

    • Radius: Enter how round you want the edges of the border for the Slider to be



Minimum Track Tint Color

Default (none); Color of the slider track to the left of the thumb

Maximum Track Tint Color

Default (none); Color of the slider track to the right of the thumb

Thumb Tint Color (Android only)

Default (none); Color of the thumb


Default (none); You can add a border with customized width, color, style (solid, dotted, dashed)and borderRadius

Edit the Slider size

You can set how tall the Slider is using the height property and set how wide it is using the width property.


  • Fill container - The Slider fills the entire screen vertically

  • Fit contents - The Slider’s height changes to fit the contents it contains

  • Relative size - The Slider fills the specified percentage of the screen

  • Absolute size - Sizes the Slider to a specified number of pixels


  • Fill container - The Slider fills the entire screen horizontally

  • Fit contents - The Slider’s width changes to fit the contents it contains

  • Relative size - The Slider fills the specified percentage of the screen

  • Absolute - Sizes the Slider to a specified number of pixels

Add spacing

You change the spacing and positioning of the Slider with the Margin and Padding properties.


  • You can specify how much space you want between the border and the contents of Slider using either pixel or percent values.


  • You can specify how much space you want between the edges of the Slider and the screen using either pixel or percent values.


On Sliding Complete

When the user takes their finger off the slider. The event returns the value that the slider has settled on.

Please note that the on Sliding Complete event does not work in web preview

On Value Change

This event fires each time the slider moves to a new position. Each time a new values is selected this event will return an updated value.




The set and get height blocks work with the Height property of the slider component. Acceptable input values are.

  • Number of Pixels

  • Percentage Height

  • "Fit Contents"

  • "Fill Container"

The Computed Heightblock returns the on-screen dimensions of the slider, after it has been rendered on-screen. The value returned is an integer, representing the size of the slider in pixels.

Maximum Track Tint Color

Set or get the color of the right side of the slider.

Maximum Value

Set or get the biggest value of the slider

Minimum Track Tint Color

Set or get the color of the left side of the slider

Minimum Value

Set or get the smallest value of the slider


Set or get the step-size, also known as the increment, of the slider.

Thumb Tint Color

Change the color of the slider itself.


The set and get value blocks are user to work with the position of the slider.


The set and get visible blocks are used to show or hide the entire Slider component. Acceptable values are:

  • True

  • False


The set and get width blocks work with the Width property of the Slider component. Acceptable input values are.

  • Number of Pixels

  • Percentage Height

  • "Fit Contents"

  • "Fill Container"

The Computed Widthblock returns the on-screen dimensions of the slider, after it has been rendered on-screen. The value returned is an integer, representing the size of the slider in pixels.

Last updated