
Adding Timers to your app

Create a Timer

You can add a Timer to your app from the Blocks tab of your Thunkable project. Find the Timers drawer of blocks and click on the ⊕ icon to add a Timer to your app.


PropertyDescriptionData Type


How regularly the Timer fires, in seconds or milliseconds


Count Up

Toggle whether the timer time blocks return the current time as counted up from 0, or counted down from the interval duration



Toggle whether the Timer will start again once it has fired



Toggle whether the Timer is active in your app


You can also Delete the Timer.

Edit a Timer

You will see the Timers you have added to your app underneath the Timers section of your blocks. Click the gear icon next to the timer you want to edit.



When Timer Fires

Set something to happen when the Timer fires.


Start Timer

Starts the Timer.

Stop Timer

Stops the Timer.

Property Blocks

Get time in seconds

If Count Up is false, returns remaining time from the Timer's interval in seconds.

If Count Up is true, returns elapsed time from the Timer's interval in seconds.

Get time in milliseconds

If Count Up is false, returns remaining time from the Timer's interval in milliseconds.

If Count Up is true, returns elapsed time from the Timer's interval in milliseconds.

Set Interval

Set interval of Timer in milliseconds.

Get Interval of Timer

Returns interval of Timer in milliseconds

Set Count Up

Set whether Count Up is enabled for this Timer.

Get Count Up

Returns true or false value for whether Count Up is enabled for this Timer.

Set Loops

If Loops = true, the timer will reset itself after it fires. If your interval is 10 seconds, the Timer will fire every 10 seconds.‌

If Loops = false, the timer will finish its current interval if it is in the middle of one, and will no longer fire. If your interval is 10s, the timer will finish its current 10 second interval, fire, and then stop.

Get Loops

Returns true or false value for whether Loops is enabled for this Timer.

Set Enabled

Set whether the Timer is enabled.

Get Enabled

Returns true or false value for whether this Timer is enabled.

Last updated

Change request #1203: