Signing In

You can create a Thunkable account with a Google account or with any other email address.

Sign Up

To get started with Thunkable, visit our sign up page.

You can sign up with a Google account or an Apple account and sign in immediately, or you can enter your email address and to be sent a magic sign-in link.

We recommend using a Google or Apple account, as it will make testing your app a little easier.

If you choose to sign up with email, you will be sent an email like the image below.

Pressing the Click to Sign In button will open your new Thunkable account and keep you signed in for 30 days, unless you choose to sign out sooner.

Sign inโ€Œ

Returning users can go directly to our sign in page to sign back into their Thunkable account.

You can Sign in with Google, Sign in with Apple or Sign in with email.

Sign in with Google

This button will sign you in automatically with your Google account.

Sign in with Apple

This button will sign you in automatically with your Apple account.โ€Œ

Sign in with Email

If you click Sign in with email you will be invited to type your email address in a text input.

When you click Email me the link we will send you a link that will sign you back into your account.

Next Steps

To learn more about using Thunkable, take a look at some of our tutorials.

Once you're ready to try out your app, we have a helpful guide for live testing.

Last updated

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