Data Sources

The Data Sources blocks allow you work with the information that you have stored in your connected Airtable Bases, Google Sheets or Local Tables.

The Data Sources blocks allow you to perform a variety of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on records that you have stored in Airtable, Google Sheets or Local Tables.

Add a Data Source to your App

To access the Data Sources blocks you need to add a Data Source to your app. There are two ways to do this:

In the modal that appears, you can choose a previously connected Data Source, or add a new Data Source.

Adding a New Data Source

When adding a new Data Source, you can choose a source of your data:

Create your Own Table

Start by naming your data source.

You can now see this Data Source from your Data Sources section. Click on the pen to rename the Data Source. Click on the Data Source name to edit the data.

The data editor allows you to edit, add, and delete columns of information. To change any of the individual values simply click on the cell and type whatever you like.


In Airtable, a base in considered to be the data source. Adding an Airtable DB is really simple.

To start, copy your API key from your Airtable account page. An Airtable API key is a 14 character code that begins with the three letters "key". Paste this key into Thunkable and click the Refresh button to see a list of your Airtable bases.

Choose the base you want to use as your data source and click Create.

Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, the entire document is considered to be the data source.

In order to use a Google Sheet as a data source, the first row in your Sheet must be a header row.

Your Google Sheet must be sharable for Thunkable to access its data.

To connect a Google Sheet, sign in and grant permission for your Thunkable project to access your Google Drive.

Some users have reported issues connecting to Google Sheets if they are using G Suite for Education accounts. You may need to contact your G Suite administrator to review your security settings.

Once you have allowed this, you will see a list of spreadsheets in your Google Drive. If you don't see the sheet you are looking for you can switch to list view, sort alphabetically or search for the one you need. Click Select to return to your Thunkable project.

At this time, connecting to .xlsx files that are hosted on Google Sheets is not supported. You can convert your .xlsx file to a Google Sheet before connecting it to your Thunkable app project. Simply open your .xlsx file on Google Sheets, then click File > Save as Google Sheets.

Looking to reset your Google Sheets connection? Click here for instructions


When using Weblow as the data source for your Thunkable app, you’ll connect to a Webflow CMS or Content Management System collection.

To connect your Webflow CMS to your Thunkable project, you have two options:

  • API Key

  • OAuth

Connecting by API Key

Within the Webflow platform:

  1. Navigate to your site settings.

  2. Click the Integrations tab

  3. Under the API access header, click Generate API token.

  4. Copy the Webflow API token.

Within the Thunkable platform:

  1. Paste the copied Webflow API token into the corresponding field.

  2. Click Refresh to see your Webflow sites.

  3. Select the site you want to use as your data source.

  4. Click Create.

To protect the quality of its service, the Webflow CMS API default rate limit is 60 requests/minute. Exceeding this limit will result in an error on the Thunkable platform, so please keep this in mind as you build your app.

Connecting by OAuth

  1. Click Connect to Webflow.

  2. A Webflow authorization screen opens.

  3. Select the sites or Workspaces you want to authorize access to.

  4. Click Authorize app.

Data Source blocks


The create row inblock allows you to append new rows to the end of your data tables.

The inputs are dynamic so if you change the name of Column 1 or Column 2 in the designer these changes will be reflected in the block too.


The get value from blocks allows you get read one value from a specific cell in your data table. You can specify the column name in the block itself and pass the unique row id as an input.

Note that each row has its own unique 24 character ID. You must use this ID to refer to rows of your Airtable and Local data sources in the blocks below.

If your data source is a Google Sheet, you can refer to the row by its integer position (1 for the first row, 2 for the second row, etc.)

Get row object will return the row object of the specified row ID. The row object can be used with Objects blocks.

The list of values in block allows you to read an entire column of data from a table and returns it as a list that you can then manipulate with the built-in List blocks.

The number of rows in block returns an integer corresponding to how many rows are in a given table.


You can use the update value in block to modify or update an existing cell in your data table. The column name is specified in the block itself. Both the row id and new value are passed as inputs.


Delete Row

You can use the Delete Row block to delete a row of data from your Data source. The row id is passed as an input. If there is an error, the error message is passed as an output.

Delete All Rows

You can use the delete all rows block to delete all rows in your data source. If there is an error, the error message is passed as an output.

Last updated

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