Purchase Subscription / Purchase One-Time Item

Blocks Explained

the green purchase block should be handled as a list/array. The purchase object is always item # 1 in the list

Please note that the one-time items and subscription blocks are handled in a similiar manner.

  1. a 'hider' is shown. We recommend you use a 'waiting' modal to indicate to users they should not interac

    1. This could be a Group with a spinning 'loading' icon in an image component.

  2. the purchase is initiated

    1. you must pass in a valid Android or Apple item or subscription id to this purple blocks input

  3. If an error does occur, the error is passed on to the Server Logโ€‹

  4. If the transaction is successful and the property purchaseState from object #1 in the (single item list) of purchase objects,

    1. send the purchase for verification (iOS) (Android)

    2. else, send a server logโ€‹

  5. Hide the hider/waiting modal after verification

โ€‹Learn more about the data these blocks returnAfter you created your IAP's, you're ready to start selling them to your users!Using the corresponding productID created above, choose the appropriate block (either Purchase Subscription or Purchase One-Time Item) and connect it to a user action. Purchases should be very straight forward within your app. Make it clear for your users how much they are paying and provide a brief description of the item. You can include more details in your app store item setup.Once you check there wasn't an error, you should verify the purchase (the green block). If your users are purchasing a subscription on android, you MUST complete the step of verification and acknowledgement in order to complete the transaction.

Last updated

Change request #1203: