
You can manage much of your screen navigation through our Top Tab, Bottom Tab, Drawer and Stack navigator components but for simple screen navigation, you can use the very popular block below

If this, do that

In most apps, one event leads to another event if a condition is met. To specify these scenarios, the this, do that block is commonly used with Logic blocks that define the conditions that lead one event to the next.

The if this, do that block can be transformed to support more complex logic


The Test block can be used to return a value based on a given condition. If the condition is true, one value is returned. If the condition is false, a different value is returned.


Wait the specified amount of time before performing the next action.


Repeat a set of blocks for a specified amount of time


Repeat an action for an unlimited period of time

Repeat [10] Times

Repeat an action the specified number of times

Count with i from [1] to [10] by [1]

Repeat an action for a certain amount of times, with the incrementer index i

For each item j in list

Repeat an action over every item in a list

Repeat while

Repeats an action while a condition is true

Break out of loop

Break out of an existing loop

You can prompt a user to open a page within an app installed on their phone or a url in their browser using the block above.

If the device has the relevant app installed, the link will open in the app. Otherwise, the link will open in the browser.

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