👶Getting Started

Follow these steps to build your first app!

Step 1. Sign in to Thunkable

You can sign up for Thunkable with Google, Apple, or email.

Check out our Signing In docs for more info:

pageSigning In

Step 2. Try Our Tutorials

Check out our tutorials to get familiar with the platform and become an expert in the features Thunkable offers.


Step 3. Test your project

Once you have followed a tutorial, test your project on the web to see it live.

pageLive Test your App

Step 4. Download the Thunkable Live App

The Thunkable Live app lets you preview your apps directly on your personal devices. Links to download for Android and iOS are here: Thunkable Live App

If you don't have an iOS or Android device, you can set up an emulator on your computer that will display your apps.

Step 5. Check out your Thunkable Projects page

View the homepage for all of your Thunkable creations. Choose how you want your projects to be laid out. Search and filter your projects.

pageYour Thunkable Projects Page

Step 6. Create a new Project

Continue your journey by creating more projects.

🆕pageCreate New Project

Step 7. Components and Features

You can drop custom components and third-party integrations directly into your projects. These components will allow you to build more advanced features.

page🛠️ Components and Features

Step 8. Blocks

The language of blocks is a visible programming language. By dragging and dropping blocks together, you can program your app.

🤖pageCore Blocks

Minimum Requirements

Operating Systems (OS)

Thunkable recommends and actively supports using a mobile OS that is actively receiving security updates.

This includes iOS 15+ and Android 10+.

Thunkable apps are often compatible with older OS, but this is not guaranteed.


Thunkable supports developing with the following browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Apple Safari

We recommend updating your browser regularly for the best experience.

Last updated

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