Drawer Navigator

Navigate to different screens using a clickable drawer that slides out from the side.

Video Tutorial

You can watch a video tutorial for using Navigators in your Thunkable app here:

Adding Navigators

To add a navigator to your app, click Screens + at the top of your component tree. Select Add Navigator and select the Navigator you want to add.

Add Screens to the Drawer Navigator

Within the component tree, drag and drop screens to nest them under the Drawer Navigator component.

Screen-Specific Drawer Navigator Properties

Once a screen has been added to the drawer navigator, a new section in the screen's properties panel, Drawer Navigation Options, becomes available. This is where you define the screen's label that displays in the user's drawer navigator.

Drawer Navigator Properties

You have many options for styling your Drawer Navigator, such as changing the background color or tint color. Here are the different options for customization:

PropertyDescriptionData Type

Drawer Width

The width of the Drawer in pixels.


Drawer Position

The position the Drawer enters the screen from.

Select from menu (left or right)

Active Tint Color

Text color of selected drawer.


Active Background Color

Background color of selected drawer.


Inactive Tint Color

Text color for unselected drawers.


Inactive Background Color

Background color for unselected drawers.


Last updated

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