Bottom Tab Navigator

Navigate to different screens using a bottom tab navigator.

Video Tutorial

You can watch a video tutorial for using Navigators in your Thunkable app here:

Adding Navigators

To add a navigator to your app, click Screens + at the top of your component tree. Select Add Navigator and select the Navigator you want to add.

Bottom Tab Navigator Properties

You have many options for styling your Bottom Tab Navigator, such as changing the background color or tint color. Here are the different options for customization:

PropertyDescriptionData Type

Active Tint Color

Select a text color for the tab currently in use.


Active Background Color

Select a background color for the tab currently in use.


Inactive Tint Color

Select a color for the text of the tabs that are not in use.


Inactive Background Color

Select a color for the tab not currently in use.


Show Label Icon

Select whether to show icons, labels, or both in the Tab Navigator.

Select from menu

Tab-Specific Properties

Click on a tab in your design to access the properties panel for that specific tab.


PropertyDescriptionData Type

Navigation Button Name

Text that appears in the top tab navigator.



Select whether your user can scroll on this screen. For scrollable to work, the components in your screen must have heights either set in absolute pixels or set to fit contents.


Background Color

Select the tab's background color.


Background Image

The image file to be shown in the tab's background

PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, etc. Can also use URL that ends in file extension (eg

Background Image Resize Mode

Set how image is shown if the file and the tab component have different dimensions/aspect ratio

Select from list [cover, contain, stretch, repeat, center]

Orientation (iOS and Android only)

Toggle whether your end user can swipe a list item to the left to view an additional Button. Reveals Left Swipe Button settings if set to true


Tab Navigation Options

PropertyDescriptionData Type

Tab Bar Label

Set the Label of this Screen's tab in the Tab Navigator


Active Tab Icon

Set the Icon of this Screen's tab in the Tab Navigator for when the Screen is active

PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, etc. Can also use URL that ends in file extension (eg

Inactive Tab Icon

Set the Icon of this Screen's tab in the Tab Navigator for when the Screen is inactive

PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, etc. Can also use URL that ends in file extension (eg

Tab Bar Visible

Set whether the Tab Navigator is visible when this Screen is open


Status Bar

The status bar is located at the top of a phone's screen. The status bar displays information regarding signal strength, battery, and whether or not things like the alarm or wi-fi are enabled.

PropertyDescriptionData Type


Decide whether you want the status bar visible on the screen.



Default is best practice, but you can select light-content or dark-content to potentially override the user's phone settings.

Select from menu (default, light-content, dark-content)

Color (Android only)

Color of the status bar.


Translucent (Android only)

When translucent is set to true, the app will appear under the status bar.


Last updated

Change request #1203: